Obedience progression
We offer classes in everything from puppy kindergarten to advanced dog sports skills!
Puppy Kindergarten
The best place for all puppies to start!
Basic Obedience
We’ll focus on basic obedience — sit, down, stay, and leash walking.
Advanced Obedience
Or, we offer Loose Leash Walk’in, Canine Good Citizen, or a Tricks class!
Canine Good Citizen
Become a certified AKC Good Canine Citizen!

Agility progression
We offer classes in everything from puppy kindergarten to advanced dog sports skills!
Puppy Kindergarten
The best place for all puppies to start!
Basic Obedience (optional)
We’ll focus on basic obedience — sit, down, stay, and leash walking.
Puppy Agility
Learn the fundamentals of agility — targeting, wobble boards, tunnels, focus and basic obedience skills.
Got Weaves? 2x2 Weaves
Come learn weaves using the 2×2 method!
Foundations 1 Agility
This is the first introduction to agility, including targeting, flat work, stays with focus and drive, and obstacle foundations etc.
Foundations 2 Agility
This class is a continuation from the Foundations I class.
Foundations 3 Agility
This class is a continuation from the Foundations 2 class
Novice Handling & Sequencing
We will begin to apply trained foundation skills while sequencing 3 – 10 obstacles.
Intermediate Handling & Sequencing
Exercises are increased in length and complexity.
Advanced Handling & Sequencing
This class is a continuation from the Intermediate class.
Master Handling & Sequencing
This class is a continuation from the Advanced class
Why train at On the Run?
We feel very fortunate to have a high caliber group of instructors with decades of accomplishments in a variety of dog sports and breeds! All of our instructors love to help our customers and their beloved pups learn and grow their skills!