My love of training dogs started as a small child teaching the family dogs tricks and to walk nicely on a leash. As an adult, dog sports were in their infancy, I was drawn to it and hooked. And so it began.
I have been teaching agility and obedience professionally for over 30 years. I have titles on over 40 dogs in agility, flyball, herding, obedience, scentwork, fastcat, tricks, and most recently, musical freestyle. I have trained and competed with dogs from every group and every height class. Pomeranians and papillons, to shelties and poodles, to border collies and golden retrievers, and some wonderful mixed breeds.
I have had the honor of doing halftime shows for both the University of Iowa and Illinois, Minnesota Timberwolves, and the Harlem Globetrotters.I have twice competed on the Incredible Dog Challenge, 1st and 3rd place. Competing at AKC Nationals I had all clean runs and won the ISC. I have also competed at Cynosports, and the EO/WT tryouts.
I make it a priority to study as many handling techniques as possible such as One Mind Dogs, Susan Garrett, and Tracy Sklenar. This allows me to help those who use those systems more effectively and leaves training options available to handlers and their dogs so they can be the best team possible. My love of training dogs also extends to horses who have taught me more than I have taught them.