Jacque Hoye


I have  been involved in dog sports since 1994. I started competing with my yellow Lab in obedience and saw my first agility trial and I knew I wanted to do that! I started agility competitions and became an AKC agility and obedience judge.

I have had 5 Border Collies as competition dogs. I have earned titles in obedience, rally, tracking, sheep herding, tricks, freestyle and conformation. My Border Collie Sizzle was the CPE National champion in 2011 and earned titles as MACH 3 and ADCH-Platinum and Lifetime achievement award Platinum. She was the TOP agility Dog at The Border Collie Society of America national specialty.

My current agility dog is Sticks who recently made finals for AKC Nationals where we ran clean and ended up in 13th place ( top 4%) she has her ADCH Silver and Lifetime achievement Silver. We are continuing to explore new events to try together.

I enjoy teaching group classes especially Turbo Pup  foundation agility classes all the way up through masters. I also do private lessons and mini seminars. I believe teamwork makes the dream work!

Jacque Hoye